Delphi Magazine Collection 2001
Delphi Magazine Collection 20001 (2001).iso
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Pascal/Delphi Source File
273 lines
DEMO x3270 for Borland Delphi
Version 2.0
(all rights reserved)
Software by:
Mauro Tronto
Via Jesi, 43
Home: (39)-71-890604
CompuServe ID: 100103,2660
Internet: 100103.2660@compuserve.com
Date: 11/07/95 21.21.21
program xDemo;
uses x3270 in 'x3270.pas'; { Uses of x3270 unit file - T3270 class } ;
* This is an application framework that interacts with host session(s)
* under 3270 emulation software. Look up carefully!
var h: T3270;
* When you start running an application that interacts with host session
* you must reset all 3270 system parameters to standard value.
* For the first time, you must instantiate an x3270 object that relate to
* unique host session shortname, such as "E".
* See the example below:
h := T3270.Create( 'E' );
* If you don't know anyone of your shortname sessions, don't worry!
* x3270 automatically check your environment and connect to the first
* host session available. See the example below:
h := T3270.Create( '' );
* You can now verify the integrity object by testing an instance
* variable named > InitOK <.
if not h.InitOK then
* But..what is the method ShowResult ... ?
* After calling any methods, x3270 set an export instance variable named
* > Status < that contains an internal object that describe the status
* of object itself.
* x3270 has an INTERNAL DICTIONARY that contains ALL standard IBM RETURN
* So, after calling any methods that interact with low-level subsystem,
* you can verify return code in the Status.Number property and read a
* Status.Description property for detail informations.
* Furthermore, there is a method ShowResult that use the instance
* variable "status" and show it in a dialog box.
MessageDlg( h.Status.Description, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0 );
* Now, you are shure that everythink works fine!
* So, you can see for example some host properties that are encapsulated
* in your T3270 object. See the example below:
h.Shortname { Shortname of host session }
h.Longname { Longname of host session }
h.Rows { Rows number of 3270 display }
h.Columns { Columns number of 3270 display }
h.SizeOfPS { Size (bytes) of presentation space }
* You can check the correct host position where your application
* must start by method SearchString that return the host position
* where an occurrence of relate string start (otherwise return 0).
* See the example below:
if h.SearchString( 'ENTER APPLICATION REQUEST' ) = 0 then
MessageDlg( 'Must be at the VTAM Screen for logging into TSO' ... );
* You can also specify the position where the searching must start!
* See the example below:
if not h.SearchAt( 'ENTER APPLICATION REQUEST', 50 ) then
MessageDlg( 'Must be at the VTAM Screen for logging into TSO' ... );
* Question: Can i send a string onto host ?
* Can i send AID keystrokes, such as PA1, PF3 and so on ?
* Yes! You can use methods SendKey and WriteAt().
* For AID keystrokes you must use Sendkey while WriteAt() is more
* efficient for sending strings onto host.
* About AID, all keys are availables by x3270 constants. So you can
* relate to KEY_ENTER, KEY_PF3, KEY_PA1 without coding any host sequence.
* See the examples below:
if h.SendKey( KEY_ENTER ) then { AID keystroke }
MessaDlg( 'AID sequence has been sent!' ... );
if h.WriteAt( 'LOGOUT', 50 ) then { Very efficient method }
MessaDlg( 'LOGOUT sequence has been sent!' ... );
* Question: Can i copy all or part of host screen in an application buffer ?
* You can use methods CopyScreen and CopyScreenAttr.
* Either methods return a char pointer (pChar) to a buffer that contains
* host image. You MUST release memory after using it with FreeMem function.
* See the examples below:
buffer := h.CopyScreen; { Copy all host screen }
buffer := h.CopyScreenAttr; { Copy all host screen with attributes }
FreeMem( buffer, Strlen(buffer) + 1 ); { Release memory in global heap }
* Question: Can i work with host fields ?
* There are many methods that allow you to working with host fields.
* See the examples below:
nPos := h.FieldLocate( 'NU' );
h.FieldGetAt( nPos );
h.FieldPutAt( 'ciao', nPos );
h.FieldLengthAt( nPos );
h.FieldAttributeAt( nPos );
h.FieldNumericAt( nPos );
h.FieldCharacterAt( nPos );
h.FieldProtectedAt( nPos );
h.FieldUnProtectedAt( nPos );
h.FieldUpdatedAt( nPos );
h.FieldHiColorAt( nPos );
h.FieldLowColorAt( nPos );
* How you can see, you have TOTAL CONTROL over host fields inside your
* VO applications.
* Perhaps, you can relate to current host CURSOR POSITION instead of
* specified position, such as <nPos>. So, if you are working with host
* fields, you can use "cursor methods" and relate to fields by actual
* host cursor position.
* See the examples below:
h.CurrentPosition; { Read host cursor position }
h.CursorAt( 45 ); { Set/Move host cursor position }
(* Refer now to host position 45!
h.FieldPut( 'ciao' );
* Question: Can i work with row/pos instead of host position ?
* My emulator software show me in the right end corner the
* actual host cursor position referred as row/col.
* This is very useful!
* ALL x3270 methods are based on host position, but there are some
* methods that allow you to convert host cursor position to row/col
* and vice versa.
* See the examples below:
h.ConvertRowCol( 10,45 );
(* So, you can write ...
h.WriteAt( 'LOGOUT', h.ConvertRowCol( 10,45 ) );
* You can control keyboard under Delphi applications.
* So, the users cannot modify the status of host sessions while
* running the application. See the examples below:
* You can verify the insert status of host session.
* See the examples below:
* You can verify the Caps Lock status of host session.
* See the examples below:
* You can verify many other informations by operator information area.
* See the examples below:
* When application started, whe have calling function ResetSystem().
* There are many others functions that allow you to fetch informations
* about the configuration environment.
* See the examples below:
* After calling the functions above, you can verify the result by
* reading SysNumber and SysDesc environment variables.
* This properties allow you to obtain informations as well as the status
* property of T3270 object.
* See the examples below:
if not HResetSystem then
MessaDlg( SysDesc, mtInformation, [mbOK], 0 );
* If you have configured your Workstation emulation program for supporting
* more than one host sessions, you can instatiate more than one T3270
* object with a unique shortname, such as "E" or "F".
* Than, you can work with us SIMULTANEOUSLY!
* See the example below:
host_e := T3270.Create( 'E' );
host_f := T3270.Create( 'F' );
host_e:SendKey( KEY_ENTER );
host_f:SendKey( KEY_CLEAR );
* Well, at this point we can shutdown this read me file!
* Thank you very much for your attentions!
* Create fun!
h.Disconnect; h.Free;